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First Aid Kit Contents


First aid kit is the basic requirement in home, work place, schools and while travelling. You can anytime experience some unforeseen accidents, cuts, burns of sudden medical conditions. And if you don’t have basic first aid, then you can end up with some bad consequences. So it is always advisable to have own basic first aid kit. Readymade kits are also available in the market but you can always make your own kit for your additional requirements.

You can keep your first aid contents in small containers, nylon bags or pouches depending on your choice. These should be water resistant, easy to open and clean to protect the contents. You can paint a green color symbol on its front to distinguish it from other things.

When you are done with selection of container for your first aid kit, you can buy the contents from a drug store. Always keep first aid manual for easy instructions and tips. You should add adhesive tape, pain relieving spray and ointments for pain, and insect bites. Sterile gauze is necessary for cleaning and covering any injured part. Bandages like ace bandages, adhesive and elastic bandages in different sizes should be kept for sprained joints and for covering the wounds. The medicines such as pain relievers, and life saving drugs for particular symptom should be added in your kit. Life saving drugs includes aspirin for mild heart pain and Epinephrine autoinjector for anaphylactic shock. Pain killers like paracetamol, Ibuprofen, codeine and other medicines for pain and sprains should be kept.

While travelling or at home, you can have problems like diarrhea, indigestion, fever, throat problems and other sudden complaints. For diarrhea, keep loperamide and oral rehydration salts to combat dehydration, ipecac for vomiting, antacids and mild laxatives for indigestion and constipation.

Always include in your kit antiseptics, soap, thermometer for fever, disposable gloves from preventing infection and sterilization, sharp scissors for cutting purpose, and safety pins for sealing the bandages. Keep handy disposable instant cold and hot pack, CPR pocket mask, cling film for giving immediate relief in burns. Cotton buds can also be used for cleaning small wounds.

When you are done with contents of the first aid kit, you should be aware of proper place for keeping it. The first aid kit should be easily accessible by every member of the family. You can choose kitchen or bathroom at home, car dashboard, workshop, classrooms in school, travel bag for keeping first aid kit.

Always make sure to keep it out of reach of your children and check the first aid kit regularly for adding the contents and replacing the expired medicines and ointments. First aid kit can save your life in emergency conditions, so make sure to include one in your home.

Source by Jhergzb Quial-Quial Balbuena


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