How to set up a salt water aquarium very much depends on the type of ecosystem that you are planning to house. Different aquarium environments need different equipment and species. This article will give you a bit of guidance in showing you some options for your home.
A very affordable saltwater aquarium is a fish only aquarium. One of the main savings in cost involves the basic lighting system. However, inexpensive doesn’t necessarily mean that this type of tank is easy to maintain. Excessive nitrates must constantly be monitored and frequent water changes are quite the necessity, due to the lack of live rock.
Hermit crabs and snails are a possibility in fish only tanks. They are quite compatible and are also great in cleaning off algae. Aesthetically, they are pleasing to the eye and quite entertaining. However, snails due reproduce rapidly, so ask your pet store for technical support and advice before making any snail purchases.
A second aquarium option is a fish only with live rock aquarium. Live rock does require superior lighting, thus generating a cost for you, the pet owner. However, live rock is a natural filter and aids immensely in the nitrogen cycle. To many, the expense of the lighting seems trivial when considering the added filtration benefits that live rock adds to an aquarium’s environment.
Make no mistake though; live rock aquariums do require maintenance. Healthy water is dependent on many things including the following: calcium, magnesium, iodine, strontium, and other minerals.
Arguably, the best rock that you can acquire is the Fiji rock. However, this rock is expensive. Once again, an owner has to determine if an enhanced live rock environment, which naturally provides filtration and food, is worth the expense.
A third option is a reef tank, perfect for housing corals, invertebrates and anemones. In this type of environment, fish are often not the main attraction!
Reef tanks require first rate water conditions and expensive lighting. They also use reverse osmosis as well as de-ionized water. Corals and other marine life must have all of these devices working well in order to thrive to their fullest potential.
These are the three types of saltwater aquariums. So, before you purchase a saltwater aquarium, realize that each type of tank has requires a different setup with respect to lighting, filtration and chemical levels.

Source by Larry Getz