Biotin is a water soluble B complex vitamin. Biotin works in the body to make healthy cells, convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.
The nutrient promotes healthy hair, skin, sweat glands, nerve tissues, and bone marrow, as well as healthy male sex organs. Raw egg whites contain a protein called Avidin that combines with Biotin in the intestinal tract to deplete the body of this necessary nutrient. Biotin is destroyed during certain food processing techniques such as caning, steaming, and heat curing.
Biotin is found in foods such as Brewer’s yeast, liver, cooked egg yolk and fish. The nutrient is also found in butter, cheese, milk, and nuts. Green peas, lentils, soybeans, whole grains, poultry and salt water fish, also contain Biotin. The nutrient is also available in a supplement form.
Information on Biotin – How Can Biotin Benefit You?
Biotin works in the metabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. The nutrient also plays a crucial role in energy production within the body, by facilitating the use of glucose. Glucose is the body’s primary source of fuel. Evidence has been shown that it can help diabetics because of its ability to keep blood sugar levels low.
If you’re interested in having healthy hair, skin, and nails, biotin is an important vitamin for you. In honesty though, it will not prevent general hair loss, even though this is what many marketer’s claim unless that hair loss is due to a particular deficiency of the vitamin. In other related studies, Bitoin has shown to increase nail thickness by nearly 25% on average.
Other noted benefits: alleviating fatigue, heartburns, and allergies.
Further information on Biotin
Biotin helps the body processes, such as energy metabolism, fatty acid, and nucleic acid synthesis, and it also acts as a co-enzyme in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Biotin also may be beneficial in hair loss, brittle nails, and diabetes. It may also help seborrhea dermatitis and malnutrition.
Biotin supplements are generally safe and available in large doses, and have no known toxic side effects. An adequate dose for an adult is 100mcg’s (micrograms). There is a possibility of a deficiency occurring in older adults. Signs of Biotin deficiency are similar to other B vitamin deficiencies.
A deficiency may be indicated by such symptoms as anemia, depression, hair loss, and high blood sugar. Other signs of deficiency include inflammation or pallor of the skin, and mucus membranes. Insomnia, loss of appetite, muscle pain, nausea, and sore tongue are also signs of Biotin deficiency.

Source by John Gibb
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