A great way to improve your Christian sex life is through Christian videos for intimacy enhancement. But, as a Christian you have to be very careful what kind of videos you choose. This is obviously a delicate area and choosing the wrong overly explicit material could do more harm than good.
Here are some important points in finding Christian videos for intimacy enhancement:
1. Stay away from pornographic material.
It may seem obvious, but many couples have strayed into watching overly explicit adult material as a way to try to enhance their own love life. First, adult material is a horrible way to learn technique or become inspired to have a better intimate relationship. It is always unrealistic, overly phony, and has nothing to do with true love making. And of course such material just shouldn’t be allowed viewing, even for research purposes, under Christianity.
2. Demonstration videos.
There are some demo videos which will safely show techniques, tips, and positions. This can be done in an informative and safe manner, where nothing too explicit is revealed. Try to make sure the material is safe and meant for education purposes rather than erotica purposes. Some will draw a pretty fine line, while others will be more focused on the tips and techniques aspect.
3. Christian sex guides.
A great overall way to improve your intimacy is through a sex guide which is specifically written for Christian couples. What does this have to do with Christian videos for intimacy enhancement? Well a guide will often times, either include or recommend Christian safe videos to watch for added tips, techniques, and visuals. The reason this is such a great outlet is that you won’t have to worry if the videos are in that “gray area”, bordering on the over explicit, adult material. If the recommendations are coming from a Christian guide then you can be ensured the information will be safe, and effective for the Christian couple.

Source by Chess McDoogle
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