What are the foods you need to eat to lose weight? Weight loss isn’t just about what you shouldn’t eat but it’s also on what you should eat. You don’t want to starve yourself but develop healthy eating habits which will last you for the rest of your life. This is precisely what this article is about. 10 Super Foods ...
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Healthy Eating and Super Foods Secret – 4 Health Benefits of Watermelons
Think back to when you were a child and when during the summer months, the pinnacle of cookouts and family gatherings was always the cold juicy watermelon that was for desert. When you were young, eating watermelon was about taste, but now that you’re older it’s more than just taste that should inspire you to eat lots of watermelon each ...
Read More »7 Power Foods to Get Rid of Tummy Fat and Skyrocket Your Health!
Struggling to eat the fresh stuff? Here’s 7 ‘power food’ ways to get rid of tummy and kick-start your way to a healthier lifestyle. 1) Grapes -Has fighting oxidants which includes polyphenol and resveratrol (particularly in red and black varieties) -Rich in potassium, which helps to lower the risk of the harmful effects of excess sodium -Contains 80 percent water! ...
Read More »Stop Eating Fatty Foods and Start Eating Fat Burning Foods
In our day in age, most adults are overweight and the number of obese keeps growing. Why is this so? Many researchers attribute this to the processed foods we eat and the non physical lifestyle that is typical of our era. How can we change this? Do we need to go on a strict diet? Or can we just substitute ...
Read More »How Kale Can Help You Lose Weight Naturally
A new view on weight & weight loss The traditional approach to weight and weight loss is calories in, calories out. While calories do play a role in weight gain or weight loss, not all calories are created equal. Looking only at calories is isolationist and doesn’t take into account the complex system of your body. Unhealthy weight is more ...
Read More »Type 2 Diabetes Food List – Recommended and Forbidden Foods For Diabetics
There is nothing in this world that has the impact that food does. At the heart of every celebration lays food. First dates typically revolve around food. Mothers are always trying to make their kids all their food. We need it to stay alive and enjoy it so much that millions of us are overweight, and millions of us now ...
Read More »Fighting Inflammation With Superfoods
Staying healthy is a constant battle with pollution, crummy unhealthy foods, too much alcohol, smoke, too much sun time, and even fighting infections has serious side effects. Constant exposure to these things creates cellular damage and inflammation, chronic inflammation or repetitive inflammation which leads to problems in the joints, heart, colon and least but not last, our skin. Number one ...
Read More »Whole Body Detox – High Fiber Cleanse
Much of the natural fiber found in foods has been refined and processed out of our current diets. It is now estimated that the average adult eats less than 20 grams of fiber each day while the recommended amount is 40 grams per day. We’ve all heard about how important it is to include enough fiber in our diets, but ...
Read More »Improve Your Health with These Gallbladder Cleansing Steps
How important is your gallbladder to the function of your body you may wonder. Well, health experts all agree that the gall bladder is in charge of the central clearing department of your body. The gallbladder secretes bile fluids necessary to the digestion and metabolization of fats and oils, which provides muscular strength and vitality. Bile, stored in the gallbladder, ...
Read More »Best Fat Burning Foods For Women Over 40
Fat-burning foods can contribute quite a lot to weight loss, overall fitness and a person’s aesthetic appeal. Diet plays an essential part in weight loss and fat-burning, and learning about the basics of fat-burning foods can increase weight loss dramatically. Combined with cardiovascular exercise and resistance training, proper diet can help yield great weight loss results, and dramatically melt away ...
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