Automatic writing comes with lots of “ho ho”…or shall I say “woo woo.” But the fact is this exercise affords the most profound psycho-physiological healing on the planet. You may be familiar with the well-known research by James Pennebaker, Ph.D., et. al. in the 80’s revealing the health and healing effects of writing about traumatic experiences. This research showed that ...
Read More »Sexual Health
Health Benefits of Avocados
Whether this is a nice avocado dip for some chips are simply eating an avocado plain, there are many benefits of adding this fruit into your diet. Avocados are high in fat people say. This is true. However, this is a healthy fat. A healthy fat means that our bodies need a fat content every day. Some people think this ...
Read More »Curriculum Design That Engages Adult Learners
The adult learner wants to be an active participant throughout the entire learning process. This means I need to find ways to involve him besides asking him to sit and listen to me lecture or read from a slide show. One sure-fire way to design and deliver training that involves the adult learner is to use a curriculum template created ...
Read More »Male Sexual Health – For Stronger Eerections and Healthy Heart Eat Pistachios!
In our previous article, “Erections Without the Bill Pill” we lauded and value of the pistachio nut in a man’s daily diet, and an elixir of pistachios and honey. However, the benefit of eating pistachios does not stop at a man’s genito-reproductive system. The same action which keeps the circulatory system and vessels of the penis working in top form, ...
Read More »The Sexual Double Standard
We still live in a society that promotes the notion that it is normal for a man to desire many women and yet normal for a woman to desire only one man. Our beliefs about male and female behavior may have been helpful in the past, but today they are doing much more harm than good. As a society we ...
Read More »Male And Female Sexual Health – Sexual Disorders
Sex is a good and normal thing. However, there are many people who deviate from the ‘normal’ ways of having sex. These people have what is commonly known as sexual disorders. Because of these, persons with such problems are unable to have normal and healthy relationships. One sexual disorder is called masochism. A masochist is a person who derives sexual ...
Read More »Women Self-Pleasure – 8 Tips To Increase You Pleasure and Satisfaction
Self-pleasure is good for you and is considered to have actual health benefits. Self-pleasure is great as well girls; you get to do it by yourself, on your own terms, you can also experiment to find out what you like and what turns you on. Unfortunately growing up many women are raised with little information about our genitals, sex and ...
Read More »Hinduism, Sex and Women
Hinduism is the only major religion in the world that worships God also as a woman. All other major faiths like the other contemporary religions have God in the form of a man. This itself is a regression and it is only the Hindu religion that has given a place to a woman on a higher plane as a Goddess. ...
Read More »Child Abuse Cases in Malaysia
Child abuse can be defined as intended or unintended harm to a child by another person who may be parents, relatives or guardians. There are four major categories which are physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. The cases in Malaysia are getting serious; according to Social Welfare Department of Malaysia indicated each year at least 1,000 children in ...
Read More »Sexual Benefits of Kegel Exercises
The importance of exercise to a satisfying and healthy life cannot be overemphasised. The same can also be said about an individual’s sex life. Kegel exercise is a form of exercise that is aimed at strengthening the sexual ability of both men and women by toning up their pelvic floor muscles – also called the Pubococcygeus (PC) muscles. The strengthening ...
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