Prague, the modern capital of Czech Republic enjoys its position on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s list of properties internationally deemed to have “outstanding universal value”. The list of nine hundred eleven properties includes sites with either cultural or natural value. Prague would fall into the first category as it is a cultural and historical relic ...
Read More »Author Archives: adminguy
Meditation For Anxiety Relief
Over stressed? There will be no doubt you need an effortless stress meditation. Indeed, meditation can seem intimidating, and finding the time daily may be tough at first. The solution to both problems is a meditation you can be taught right now, that will take a little to perform every day. A simple Stress Meditation You breath through your mouth, ...
Read More »How to Become an Alternative Medicine Practitioner
The word “alternative medicine” is an extensive practice that illustrates various health and healing methods. The practitioner jobs of this therapy have been around for hundreds of years, but last few years have brought a career boom in the field of alternative medicine. Around 30% population in the world is using various types of natural or alternative therapy today and ...
Read More »Depression and Mental Illness – 7 Foods That Heal Depression and Mental Illness
It is basically boils down to what you put in your body. Depression and Mental Illness is, among other things, a disorder of chemicals inside the brain. If you not nourishing that body of yours it will be sick. it will not cope any more. It will be depressed. Think about it this way – if you do not water ...
Read More »Santiago, Chile’s Best Hospitals
Santiago is the capital of Chile and also the largest city of the country. Santiago is the center of finance and trade in Chile and the headquarters of many multinational companies in the country are located here. The city has many well-known shopping centers and high-rise architecture and has become one of the most modern metropolitan areas of Latin America. ...
Read More »Chiropractic Treatment Can Help Alleviate High Blood Pressure
Some chiropractors and health researchers have conducted studies over the past several years looking into how specific chiropractic techniques can help to alleviate common ailments such as high blood pressure. The University of Chicago conducted promising research that did in fact see a drop in the blood pressure of individuals who received what is called an ‘atlas adjustment’ versus patients ...
Read More »The Importance of Good Pronunciation
How many people reading this article have tried to learn a foreign language and have just given up or only half succeeded. The answer lies in the Latin Legacy, Latin was the first language widely taught in Anglo Saxon schools and all teaching methods since have just stemmed from it. Why was Latin chosen as opposed to other languages such ...
Read More »6 Healthy Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise
Looking for an easy way to reduce your tummy and lose weight fast without exercise? If you want to get rid of your belly fat, you might consider eating more of these 6 healthy foods to eat to lose weight: 1. Eggs! Yes, cereal is fine. But a heartier meal will help control your feelings of hunger as the day ...
Read More »Yeast Infection Symptoms – Internal and External
While yeast infections are considered rather a commonplace health issue, there is no doubt that the symptoms are irritating and uncomfortable. They can often affect your lifestyle negatively and cause you inconvenience. While many people understand a few causes, there are quite a few situations that can trigger its onset, such as taking antibiotics and high blood sugar levels. Very ...
Read More »Tantra Massage, Tantric Sex and Massage Techniques
Tantra has much more meaning than what we understand. Its origins are in India and date back over 5000 years ago. Without using a lot of words, tantra focuses on energy, sensual energy distribution across the body and not so much the mind. It teaches us how to open our hearts and our sexuality. In tantra, sex is like a ...
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