Post-traumatic stress disorder also known as PTSD is a form of anxiety that can occur after the exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm happened or was threatened.
Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include:
– Survivors of devastating earthquakes
– People that witness traumatic events
– Survivors of several accidents on the sea or air
– Physical and sexual abuse or crimes
– Major changes in someone`s life
– Severe accidents car or plane accidents
– Violent personal assaults
– Natural disasters or human causes disasters (bombs)
– People taking part in terrorist rescues
– People affected by racism
– Military combat actions
– PTSD often occurs in soldiers attending wars
– Birth of a child can often cause PTSD (moms usually experience anxiety after birth and even during pregnancy).
– Any type of family violation
– Death of a loved one
– Being fired from work
– Divorce
Usually all the family members of the victim are disposed to develop post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD can occur in people of any age, and that includes children and adolescents.
Symptoms of PTSD
Many PTSD sufferers repeatedly experience flashbacks, memories, nightmares, or frightening thoughts, these symptoms are most likely to happen when they are exposed to objects or objects that remind them of their trauma.
Common Symptoms:
– General Anxiety Disorder
– Irritability or anger
– Intense guilt or fear for no apparent reason
– Emotional numbness and sleep problems
– Severe Depression
– Mood Swings
Lets have a closer look at the most common physical symptoms in (PTSD):
– Weak Immune System
– Dizziness and numbness
– Chest pain
– Discomfort in other parts of the body, muscular tension
– Gastrointestinal issues
– Long term headaches
Sufferers often are treated for other causes than anxiety disorder. It happens often that sufferers think they have heart diseases, muscular problems or lack of minerals and vitamins.
Post-traumatic anxiety disorder can only be diagnosed if the symptoms last for more than one month. Symptoms do not occur immediately after the trauma, it usually varies, but they are most likely to occur within 3 months, it varies from one to another.
However some people recover in less than six months, others experience these symptoms a lot longer. Often PTSD may become chronic, and general anxiety disorder occurs. It can last for years if not treated in time.
There are lots of treatments available now, such as one to one coaching programs, which are completely natural and guaranteed, medication does help but they usually have bad side effects, they may reduce the level of anxiety, but in most of the cases it is not the cure.
General Statistics of PTSD
Studies have shown that 6.2 million adults in the US ages 18 to 58, approximately 4.6 percent of the people between these ages, have PTSD, the number is continuing to grow due to the high level of stress in urban areas. There are more women than men suffering from PTSD.
One successful treatment that has worked for more than 40,000 people already is the Panic Away program which is a one-to-one coaching, complete natural anxiety program mainly based on relaxation techniques and ways to master your thoughts to overcome PTSD and anxiety.

Source by Alexandru Matei