Focused observation and a clip-board may not be the best elicitation of ground-proofing or integration tools for academic or diplomatic inquiry. An impartial guide or associate of indigenous origin who joins your excursion may best record and translate the meaning of situations, interactions and cultural nuances. A conglomeration of interpretations from different sectors, whether associated with a research topic or not, is necessary to form a synthesis of ground truth.
The the photo below, simply quibbling of fish prices resulted in cross-cultural common ground, laughter and the respect of the vendor and others at the market. A reasonably happy ending by paying a small overage to the inflated price brought positive regard by all and more so, respect by the general community.
Friends and merchants alike, enjoyed the market interaction with the stranger making a negotiation while leaving the vendor a notch above what she may have earned that day.
~600 Artisanal vessels compete with major fishing fleets in this Western Sahara coastal community