1. Ice cold water
Not only should you drink water to keep hydrated, but it has been proven that drinking ice cold water can burn more calories than drinking room temperature water alone. Drinking ice cold water causes your body to burn up to an extra 100 calories per day. It is estimated that drinking ice cold water could help you lose up to 10 lbs a year.
Drinking water can also make you lose weight in a few other ways. Drinking water before food can fill you up so you eat less food. Water is one of the cheapest weight loss drinks there is, so you should drink at least 2 litres of water a day.
Have you ever been sitting around and you can hear your stomach rumbling? You think you’re a little hungry so you go and eat a snack? Well if you drink water you can curb this feeling. As often you are not hungry but dehydrated.
Another great benefit of drinking ice water is that the more water you drink the less water your body will hold, therefor making you look leaner and less bloated.
2. Diet drinks
Now I’m not saying to go out and drink diet sodas if you don’t drink full sugared drinks. But if you do tend to drink cola or sugary drinks then switching to diet drinks will save you hundred of calories a day. Of course if you don’t drink them then you are probably better off. In my experience when I’m dieting I like to have a glass of diet fizzy pop now and again because it makes me feel like I’m getting something sugary when in fact I’m not.
3. Green tea
People have used green tea for years. Green tea is said to contain anti oxidants that flush out all the bad toxins in your body. From a weight loss perspective green tea is said to speed up the bodies metabolism and drinking a few cups a day could cause your body to burn up to 35% more calories. Now I don’t believe this number to be true, 35% seems like a lot, and like many dieting claims I would take this number with a pinch of salt.
However there have been many studies carried out on green tea and many of them have reported that it does in fact boost your metabolism which will help to burn more calories. If you’re looking for a weight loss drink that has health benefits and causes you to lose weight then I would recommend trying green tea, myself however I’m not a fan of it. It is not to my taste and I haven’t seen any weight loss effects when I have taken it in the past.
4. Whey Protein
Taking whey protein alone will not help you lose weight, it will keep you feeling fuller for longer and it will also aid you in keeping as much muscle as possible when dieting. This should be an aim for everyone when dieting, quite often I find people who diet don’t know what they are doing and end up losing fat and muscle. This leads them to not be happy with the end result because they simply end up skinny fat.
If you’re tracking your calories, then adding whey protein to your diet is a great way of getting in enough protein without having to break the bank. Whey protein is cheaper than the food equivalent. I do recommend getting a good branded protein so that you are actually getting the protein amounts advertised on the packaging.
5. Coffee
Coffee is a great drink to lose weight as it suppresses your hunger and increases your metabolism. It will also provide you with enough energy to get through your hard workouts. Drinking too much coffee will cause you to be depend on it and will cause some nasty side effects. Personally I hate coffee, have never liked the smell or taste. I also believe it not to be healthy and anything that can speed up the rate in which your heart beats is not worth it to me.

Source by Michael Smalling