With the ever increasing use of technology and industries flourishing the amount of pollution in our environment is increasing at a rapid pace. Keeping our environment clean is a very important part of our lives in these days. It is important to focus on this as we have to make sure that the environment is preserved for future generations. Water pollution and litter are considered to be two of the main cause of the environment being dirty.
In order to clean the environment there are 5 steps that we can follow:
- The 3Rs are considered to be the most important and easiest way to keep our environment clean and refrain it from pollution. Reduce, recycle and reuse are the famous 3 Rs that can keep our environment clean. By reducing the usage of harmful materials, and recycling items such as paper and glass and at the same time reusing goods that can be reused will reduce the pollution levels in the air and keep the environment clean.
- Planting more trees increase the oxygen level in the atmosphere. This way there is an increase in the total oxygen level thus resulting in cleaner air to breathe and keeping environment clean.
- Many people tend to litter. This is a bad habit as littering causes a rapid increase in pollution levels. Instead of throwing garbage on the roads, there should be recycling bins on every corner of the road so that people do not litter. This will help in keeping the environment clean.
- Cigarettes are another harmful item that increases the air pollution as well as the well known health benefits.
- By using eco friendly and biodegradable cleaning items the environment will be a better and cleaner place for humans to live in and by the continuous use of these products the environment will improve for future generation.
These tips are helpful in keeping our environment clean.

Source by Jasmine Sanchez