As we all know that cattle provides us with meat and milk. There are some fatal diseases which affect the cattle, and their names include black leg, brucellosis, coccidiosis, and anthrax. All these diseases spread very easily, and thus it is important to diagnose the disease, and give appropriate treatment timely treatment. The cattle’s health need to be monitored closely ...
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2015
Eye Health – 3 Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Your Vision Sharp
Our eyesight is absolutely critical to our ability to interact with the world. As a result, it is important that you take steps to maintain healthy eyes, and to keep your vision sharp, for as long as possible. These 3 steps will help you achieve this goal, and best of all they are very quick and easy to incorporate into ...
Read More »4 Tips to Accepting the Cultural Differences of the Person You Are Dating
Now that you are dating someone from a different culture are there things that you need to do differently? Or is it just like dating someone from your culture? Cross cultural dating is immensely attractive to many people mainly because of the mystery and the differences that add to the charm and lure of the partner. You know the saying ...
Read More »ADHD Natural Treatment: Probiotics
Consider an offbeat, ADHD natural treatment – probiotics. Did you know that our gastrointestinal (GI) health has an impact on our mental well-being? Considered the body’s second nervous system, the GI system produces 95% of the serotonin in our body and hosts 60% of our immune system. It is also the home of a complex ecosystem of gut flora – ...
Read More »The Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods For The Skin
What you eat can have a profound effect on the look of your skin and can greatly affect how well your skin ages, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Surprised? Well, you shouldn’t be as there’s more and more evidence now that suggests that this is certainly the case! Dr. Perricone, known for bestselling books “The Wrinkle Cure” and “The Perricone ...
Read More »Gluten Intolerance, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Liver Damage
You may not know you have gluten intolerance – but you should be highly suspect if you have elevated liver enzymes. Gluten intolerance, largely a genetic disorder can cause many health challenges. People who suffer with bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, fatigue, weight gain, bone or joint pain, dental enamel defects, depression, infertility, anemia, alopecia areata (hair loss), migraines, multiple sclerosis ...
Read More »10 Crucial and Surprising Steps to Build Trust in a Relationship
1. Be predictable. When do seeds of suspicion emerge? When one begins to think, What’s up? Why is he doing that? He’s never done that before. That is so unlike him. He loses 30 pounds, buys a new wardrobe and comes home late from work. He changes his patterns. His behavior becomes unpredictable. You get the picture? Any movement away ...
Read More »Maca – Ancient Peruvian Superfood
Maca is a herb native of the high Andes of Bolivia and Peru for thousands of years. Maca is a member of the cruciferous family of plants. The plant is considered a member of the species Lepidium meyenii; it is a distant relative of the tuberous root vegetable radish. The Maca plant produces leaves that grow close to the ground ...
Read More »Health During Travel
Imagine planning for your dream vacation for several months, excitedly looking at places to visit online, booking hotels, checking out other details and meticulously crafting your perfect holiday. Sounds fun right? Now imagine actually going there, checking into the hotel and settling down, so far so good. Now imagine getting sick a day later and having to spend the majority ...
Read More »The Truth Behind Blood Tests: Why Functional Blood Ranges Are The Only Markers You Should Trust
For most people, when their doctor looks at their blood work and tells them they have high cholesterol or that their CO2 is in range they don’t think twice about their results. After all, it’s a blood test, how much more accurate can it get? The truth is most Americans are grossly misinformed when it comes to their health and ...
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