Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is a disorder that is developed after you experienced an incident that is terrifying and scary. Though many people will end up with years and years of therapy to help them, you can cure PTSD naturally and even quickly. Before I delve into the treatments, I’d like to share with you some information about what ...
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2015
How a Chiropractor Could Help You to Recover From Eczema
Eczema is not contagious, so you cannot catch it from another person. It is a disease that affects the skin. If you suffer from eczema, your skin becomes very itchy, and may be red or have rashes on it. It is difficult not to scratch your skin when you are suffering from eczema. Scratching your skin can cause your skin ...
Read More »Ten Green Strategies to Help Improve Our Environment
If you think you need to join movements and lobby in Congress just to become an environmentalist, think again. There are many ways you can contribute to help the environment. Our air is largely polluted because of combustion emissions coming out of our cars. Our streams, rivers, and oceans became polluted because of industrial wastes from manufacturers whose products we ...
Read More »Veterinary Advice For Pet Vaccinations
There is growing evidence that the common veterinary advice to get booster shots for your pet annually may have some undesired side effects. Not all veterinarians embrace this school of thought however, and this is cause for concern. Do some ignore the science for fear that a primary source of income may disappear? Or do they truly believe that repeated ...
Read More »Human Impact on the Environment
Human impact on the environment can have both positive and negative impact. There are so many things, which we do in our day to day life, that impact the earth we live in, some way or the other. Here is a list of things, which will help in reducing the negative human impact on the environment. These things will help ...
Read More »Best Medical Care in Lagos, Nigeria
Lagos is a port city located in South West corner of Nigeria. Because it is located besides the Atlantic Ocean, this city became the economic and financial capital of Nigeria. Not only that, Lagos possess beautiful beaches, lagoons, and creeks, making this city a popular tourist spot in the continent of Africa. With its huge population (it is the second ...
Read More »Parenting – Creating Family Unity
Promoting family unity is valuable to keep up with the tumultuous society. When a person feels down, the family is the strength booster and sanctuary of peace. However, with the busy schedule that each family member has, it is getting more difficult to nurture family unity within the home. Nevertheless, every family has to find time to bond and know ...
Read More »The Benefits Of Deep Tissue Massage
In the world of massage there exists a variety of styles – everything from Swedish massage to Lymphatic massage, all tailored to produce very specific results. One such massage technique, deep tissue massage, has continued to increase in popularity, due in part to its ability to release an enormous amount of tension in a world where tension reigns on every ...
Read More »The Abiotic and Biotic Community of the Environment
The abiotic or non living factor in an environment includes sunlight, temperature, pressure, mountain slope, soil, rainfall, land drainage and atmosphere. These physical factors interact with one another. Let us take a soil as an example. This soil can be affected by heavy rainfalls or floods. We refer to the life in an ecosystem as the biotic community. It is ...
Read More »10 Raw Foods and Drinks That Help Treat Asthma
One of the most common disease that affect people from all ages is asthma. Asthma basically targets the air passages which are responsible for bringing oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the lungs. When asthma attacks, the interior walls of these airways become swollen, thus, making it hard for a person to breathe. This swelling or inflammation is more ...
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