One of the causes of gout attacks is the increased consumption of foods high in purines, which are important part of the body’s normal functions. But in people with gout, high levels of purines lead to gout attacks. Thus, if you want to be free of severe pain, you must avoid purines-rich foods to avoid with gout. You will observe ...
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2015
Try an Ionic Foot Bath to Detox and Cleanse the Body
In today’s times we live in a very toxic environment. The pollution in the air, the chemicals in our food, the water we drink and even the clothes we wear. At any given moment you may be exposed to toxins and heavy metals. These toxins accumulate in the body and can be stored in your fat cells, which tend to ...
Read More »Homeopathic Remedies For Acne
There are a variety of ways to get rid of acne that are natural or homeopathic. This means that you do not need to see a doctor or dermatologist for a prescription. People who don’t believe that the available prescription drugs work well or they might be dangerous to our bodies should try natural treatments, which have a proven track ...
Read More »How To Prolong Ejaculation – Simple Information For Male Sexual Health
At any time through life, it is likely that a man may suffer from sexual dysfunction. Though this can occur in many different forms, climaxing too early is a common issue. However, there are simple ways through exercise and lifestyle that can help those looking at how to prolong ejaculation. Ahead of anything else, stress and anxiety can affect sexual ...
Read More »Senior Home Care Health Tips
Senior home care health tips are important for seniors who live at home on their own and need to take good care of their health. Normally, seniors who live independently are in good health. However, it is easy to fall into unhealthy habits which can put a healthy, independent senior’s health at risk. As well, as a senior there are ...
Read More »7 Fruits That Burn Fat – Lose Weight Eating Beautiful Tasty Foods and Avoid Being Hungry
The key is to eat foods which will help our bodies perform well, maintaining high levels of energy and boosting our metabolisms. Here are the fruits that will help you burn fat. Strawberries An excellent fruit which will help lose weight, low in sugar and high in fiber which will stop you feeling hungry for longer. Rich in vitamin c, ...
Read More »How to Build Collagen Naturally
What if I told you that it is possible to build collagen naturally. Yes, collagen – the type of protein that holds our skin, bone, and connective tissue together. As we grow older, we begin to lose collagen that’s in our skin; hence the signs of aging and wrinkles. That’s why it’s important for us to build collagen naturally so ...
Read More »Conventional Cures Vs Natural Herbal Cure
According to the American Medical Association Journal, over 100,000 Americans die in hospitals every year due to side effects from regularly prescribed medications. Throughout America, a huge amount of medication is prescribed on a daily basis. The medical community openly acknowledges that fact that it does not have any cure for several common diseases that affect people. Most allopathic medicines ...
Read More »High Fiber and Protein for Weight Loss
Have you tried for a long to lose weight but nothing you do will help you? If so, you are not alone. Many people hate how they look and feel uncomfortable wearing their clothing. They do not like looking for new and bigger clothing sizes. They don’t like to feel like people are staring at them when they are eating. ...
Read More »Alcohol and Sex
Alcohol has a negative effect on sexuality as it dulls sensation and makes it more difficult for men to have an erection and women to reach orgasm. Alcohol impairs judgment this means it slows down nervous and muscular activity and lead to risk taking decisions in people of all ages, but the consequences are often especially severe for teens. As ...
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