Using natural sleep remedies to cure insomnia is definitely a better way to go than relying on prescription sleeping pills and all the associated problems that come along with them. It is hard to pick out one best sleep aid as a combination of the following suggestions is the best and healthiest way to beat insomnia. 1. Take daily exercise ...
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2015
Muscle Building and Alcohol – Is Alcohol Bad For Building Muscle?
A common issue that many guys find themselves pondering over while trying to build muscle is whether or not occasional drinking can be a part of this equation. So, what’s the answer to this? Can you really have the odd beer and still have no trouble gaining muscle mass or should you avoid alcohol altogether when on a strict weight ...
Read More »Men’s Sexual Health Guidelines – A New Angle on Penis Care
When it comes to penis care, the majority of men have the basics down, and they follow a similar routine just about every day when it comes to grooming and hygiene. On the other hand, while all of the steps they were taught growing up – by parents, doctors, and health teachers, most guys are not aware of one vital ...
Read More »Weight Loss Facts
Weight loss articles are a dime a dozen. Information gets so mixed up that its hard to sift through what is true and what is not. Everybody has something to say about weight loss and how to go about it. That’s all well and good but we get confused with all the data coming in. There are so many ways ...
Read More »A List of Foods That Cause Gout
Gout is a very painful type of arthritis that usually forms around the big toes of middle aged men but can also appear around other joins of the body and can actually affect women in the same way. In this article we are going to talk about the main food types that affect gout flare up and tell you why ...
Read More »Anti Aging Health Beauty – The 3 Key Elements of a Lasting Youthful Skin
Nowadays it has become a priority to take care of our skin, if we want to be seen as a hygienic and professional person, we see every day models and celebrities in magazines that people want to imitate and look like. However although you may not have the perfection of a model you can certainly have a beautiful looking skin ...
Read More »Female Orgasm Enhancement – Increase Female Orgasm Intensity
Can you imagine what it will feel like to experience a powerful orgasm that makes you scream for more? Orgasms that are so intense and overpowering that leave you in a world of ecstasy. The most powerful aspect of sexual encounter is the ability to have an orgasm for most women. A significant percentage of the women’s population are struggling ...
Read More »Acai Bowl and Acai Smoothie Recipes
There are several places in California and on the island of Oahu in Hawaii that are frequented by professional surfers who eat Acai Bowls religiously for the natural energy they provide and the their delicious taste. Acai Bowls and Smoothies are great ways to start the day since they provide a rush of antioxidants your body will enjoy. If you ...
Read More »Natural Remedies For Cats With Kidney Disease
Kidney disease in cats is a common problem. It can be due to a number of factors such as accident, shock, old age or bacterial and viral infections. Natural remedies for cats with kidney disease can treat the condition and will improve the quality of your cat’s life. Diet Feed your cat a special kidney diet. Feed a protein rich ...
Read More »Personal Review of Diet Protein Shakes
I would like to share some information about Kashi protein shakes. After some research and admittedly a short personal test, I found these shakes to be a good addition to most any weight loss program. Currently, you may find many protein powders are designed primarily for bodybuilders. Opposing that view, Kashi designed their protein shakes with weightloss and dieting in ...
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