Primarily considered a male hormone, testosterone is actually common to both male and female. However, testosterone is the principal male hormone, which not only affects your libido and penile erection frequency but also your whole body. This hormone gives men larger hearts, lungs and other organs, builds muscle mass and controls stomach fat, while regulating mood, aggression and mental focus. ...
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2015
Fish Disease Symptoms in Tropical Freshwater Fish Tank Aquariums – Fin and Tail Rot
Most common infections found in in tropical fish tanks are caused by bacteria present in the tank. Similarly, Fin and Tail rot are one of the most common type of diseases found in fish. These are caused by Cytophaga bacteria. This effects the fish having long and soft fins. Their symptoms have quite a wide range. The fins start looking ...
Read More »Three Weird Super Foods For Healthy Smoothies
Some super foods are well known when making smoothies – like berries, chocolate, yogurt, and bananas, and others aren’t readily accepted as smoothie ready ingredients. I recently wrote about four common super foods in my last EzineArticles article but I want to focus on three uncommon smoothie super foods. Because I love super foods and love trying new ways to ...
Read More »Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that develops as a result of a terribly frightening, life-threatening or otherwise highly unsafe experience. Common symptoms include a recurrent, re-experiencing of the trauma; avoidance tendencies; extremely sensitive reactions to normal day-to-day experiences; personality disorders; negative social and emotional development; multiple somatic problems; and a troubled sexual life. A pre-existing emotional disorder, ...
Read More »What Is a Travel Vaccination and Are They Important?
A travel vaccination is medicine delivered via an injection that will protect you from many of the diseases that are still prevalent in countries other than our own. The importance of such vaccines cannot be understated. In the United States we have eradicated-or nearly eradicated-many of the illnesses that still ravage many countries around the globe. If you or a ...
Read More »Family Unity
What did “family unity” mean to the pioneer family or the people who settled our country? For many of these noble people, family unity was both a necessity and a natural way of life. They relied heavily on each other for survival. Like families of the past, we have an even stronger need for unity today. Each family member has ...
Read More »Super Health Secrets – Top 10 Superfoods For Peak Performance
Have you ever wondered which ‘superfoods’ are actually the most super? What do you think would happen to your health and performance if you fueled your body on the most nutritious foods on the entire planet? Read on and I’ll give you a quick run down of the superfood star performers and what they’re good for. 1) Cacao Everyone likes ...
Read More »Before You Go – A Medical Travel Checklist
Did you know that nearly half of all visitors to developing countries get sick during their stays? So go prepared! For example, I always take a small packet of first-aid items: salve for infections, aspirins, lozenges and band-aids. Divide your prescriptions between two bags so that you will always have some of your medications. Make sure you have adequate prescriptions ...
Read More »10 Over The Counter Supplements for Relieving Anxiety
Anxiety and depression are common disorders that many people suffer from. Doctors and scientists will agree that good nutrition and the right combination of vitamins and supplements can reduce or even alleviate the need for prescription based medications. There are several different supplements that may help bring anxiety under control. All of these supplements can be purchased over the counter ...
Read More »10 Easy to Find Super Health Foods
These ten health foods are some of the healthiest that fit within these three criteria…. * Are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. * Are high in phytonutrients and antioxidants, like Vitamins Approved By Dr. Clarke (The ND For Vitamin A and E and beta carotene. * May help reduce the risk of heart disease ...
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