If you are one of those people aiming to lose weight in a quick and healthy way, the most recommended diet is a 1000 calorie diet menu. This type of diet menu provides your body with the necessary amounts of vitamins and fiber in order to keep you healthy. More so, it allows you to lose up to 10 pounds for the first week. On the other hand, if you want to keep this type of diet, make sure that you include a 30-minute exercise routine daily.
A typical 1000 calorie diet menu may be boring to follow at first. However, if you obtain the tremendous results after the first week, you would find it one of the most satisfying menus ever created.
For your breakfast, the menu should include half a glass of fresh fruit juice without sweeteners, 50 grams of black bread, a slice of low-fat boiled beef, a slice of low-fat cheese or 1 egg, and a cup of coffee or tea without sugar. You should be able to follow this menu for a week in order to obtain optimal results.
For lunch, you should be able to include vegetables, preferably have a salad combined with a slice of black bread, a slice of low-fat cheese, or an egg. You could also include fresh fruits that are not too sweet and a glass of fat-free yogurt or a cup of tea without sugar. Your dinner, on the other hand, should be a salad consisting of vegetables and fruits combined with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. You can have fish without garnish or a 100-gram low-fat meat with unlimited amount of non-sweet fruits. You are also allowed to have a slice of rye bread or a cup of vegetable soup.
If you cannot help having a snack before going to bed, opt for a glass of natural low-fat yogurt or warm low-fat milk, which you should drink slowly. In addition, if you want to obtain the best results from a 1000 calorie diet menu, make sure your dinner is not later than 7 in the evening. You should also ensure to drink as plenty of water as you can throughout the day.
Source by Katie A. Jones
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